Immediately prevents the damage of contents damage from malware

Ransomware Block

Damages by ransomware can be easily found around us today. Unpredictable new/variant ransomware intrude without getting noticed by the user, which leads to a loss of valuable resources. Keep the business continuity and protect data safely with a cloud security solution that blocks ransomware.

Using the security solution, it is possible to protect contents safely from illegal intrusion through blocking and protecting from ransomware actions and pre-backup function.

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Category Yearly Rate (VAT not included)
Ransomware Block (AppCheck pro) For Window KRW 450,000
For Linux KRW 1,200,000
- The control service is provided by the affiliated company “GABIA”.
- License for using security service is issued on an annual basis and is automatically terminated if not renewed.
- The license fee is non-refundable even if terminated in the middle of the 1-year contract period.

How to Use

1. Apply for a ransomware blocking service.
2. Install the ransomware blocking agent on the applied VM.
3. A security/control company will contact you to proceed with the security settings in detail.
4. Ransomware blocking is applied according to the set conditions and the security begins.

Detailed Features

  • Ransomware safeguard technology based on context awareness.

    - Even new ransomware can be blocked 100% by allowing the "normal change" of data files and blocking "unallowed change".
    - Delete illegal files infected by ransomware and the damaged files are restored automatically as normal.

  • Real-time safeguard and protection from vulnerability attacks

    Real-time protection of web applications from various illegal attacks based on script or email.

  • Automatic backup and restoration

    - Detecting the change in files, everything is backed up to ransomware shelter even just one file.
    - Files are backed up immediately before it gets damaged by malware or illegal process
    - Manual backup possible by user.

  • Customized management in detail possible

    - Manage the backup setting in detail based on folders and file extensions within the folders.
    - Ransomware can be blocked for only specific folders in the user storage

Recommended to

  • Enterprises where had damages on their data as infected by ransomware

  • Enterprises in need of manual settings for conditions to block ransomware according to the context

  • Enterprises collectively applying the ransomware blocking to all employee’s resources

  • Enterprises trying to prepare to 100% restore when infected by ransomware

For inquiries regarding the Ransomware Block