Connecting all the clouds with CloudHub


CloudHub is a platform that connects infrastructure resources and cloud resources using a dedicated line. You can configure a hybrid cloud model that connects on-premises and a cloud, and a multi-cloud model that connects multiple cloud resources. It has excellent speed, transmission quality, security, and stability because it is configured as a private network.

Application for Sales/Technical Consultation

Use it in this case

  • When there is a need to connect the customer's existing infrastructure (on-premise) and cloud resources - hybrid cloud

    · Companies that want to use on-premises and public cloud or private cloud and public cloud together
    · Companies that handle high performance (CPU, DB) and large data (Big Data)
    · Companies that regularly back up data or need DR (Disaster Recovery)

  • When there is a need to use two or more cloud resources - Multi-Cloud

    · Companies that want to use IaaS, PaaS, and SaaS resources of multiple clouds together
    · Companies that want to break away from depending on a one cloud provider
    · Companies that need DR (Disaster Recovery)

  • When there is a need to connect domestic resources and global resources - Global Cloud

    · Companies that want to transfer data from infrastructure resources to overseas resources

The reason to choose CloudHub

Diverse CSP lineup

CloudHub is the first in Korea to start interconnection with major cloud services, providing the largest number of clouds and connectivity.

Shortest distance connection

Major CSPs chose KINX IDC for colocation, thus guarantees the shortest distance connection through a dedicated network.

Various connection points

CloudHub can be connected from 8 IDCs in Seoul metropolitan area operated by KINX.

Global connection

CloudHub provides connectivity both domestically and globally through partnerships with global connectivity providers.

SLA 99.999%

CloudHub guarantees high quality of service based on the cross-connect and SLA of CloudHub switch/router.

All in One expert supports

CloudHub works with experts in the entire process from initial consulting to network configuration and dedicated lines.

Data Center


Use CloudHub in data centers such as Gwacheon, Gasan, Dogok, Sangam, and Bundang data centers in Seoul which are operated by KINX.

Connect to CloudHub®
from KT data centers.

Business partnership with KT HCX
(Hyper Connectivity Exchange)

If you are operating a server in KT data center,
KT HCX (Hyper Connectivity Exchange) allows you
to use CloudHub. At KT Yongsan, Mok-dong, Gangnam
and Bundang IDCs, you can connect to cloud services
using KT HCX and CloudHub.

* You can get understanding of the cloud connection platform from the KT HCX introduction video.

Hosted/Dedicated Connection


Hosted configuration enables you to conveniently configure a hybrid cloud as well as a multi-cloud with only one connection, and you can receive consulting and managed services from professional technical personnel at any time.

· Connection to two or more clouds can be made using one line (multi-cloud configuration is possible without on-premises)
· A CloudHub Router is available for use at a low rate
· Managed service by professional staff is provided
· CloudHub user portal is provided
· Lines are connected to each individual cloud
· Customers can purchase a router and directly set up, operate and manage BGP on their own
· Customers can directly monitor and handle failures on their own

Router Managed Service

KINX provides a comprehensive router management service for CloudHub customers from initial equipment setup to operation and monitoring, ensuring seamless network routing.

  • Equipment Setup and Guidance on Network Configuration

    · Network setup guide for CSP connections
    · IP design guide (IP allocation, subnet configuration)
    · Routing table setup guide

  • Network Integration and BGP Configuration Support

    · Network setup between routers and on-premises systems
    · BGP configuration between routers and CSP

  • Stable and Reliable Router Operations

    · 24/7 real-time monitoring (Interface, Protocol)
    · Network inspections and troubleshooting by skilled professionals

High-Bandwidth Virtual Routing (VRF)
High-Speed Network Integration · Supports ports from 100M to 10G
· For customers requiring cloud connections with high bandwidth coverage
Services Provided · All stages from initial setup to operation and monitoring - IP, network, and BGP consulting and management by professionals
· BGP session connections up to 10Gbps
Low-Bandwidth Physical Router Rental
Specialized Low-Speed Network Integration · Supports ports under 2M
· For customers using dedicated low-bandwidth lines (e.g., finance, fintech)
Services Provided · Enhanced router security with firewall access
· Guaranteed equipment replacement within 2 hours in case of failure
  ※ Above are available upon request of router managed services

SD-WAN Connectivity

With flexible bandwidth adjustments, SD-WAN enables seamless connectivity to CloudHub, offering superior transmission quality at a cost-effective rate compared to dedicated lines.

Adjust bandwidth flexibly based on usage

Includes BGP configuration and IPSec VPN with firewall

Optimize traffic paths with advanced SD-WAN technology

Manage and prioritize essential network traffic

· What is SD-WAN?
SD-WAN (Software-Defined Wide Area Networking) optimizes traffic through customized network configurations. The SD-WAN service is provided in collaboration with KT FlexLine.

Service Fee

Category Items Notes
CloudHub Switch(CS) Ports(1M, 1G, 10G) Fees per bandwidth
Single/Redundant configuration available
* CS fee are waived when using CR
CloudHub Router(CR) Ports(100M, 1G, 10G)
BGP session(100M~10G)
Extra service Cross connection Monthly fee and installation fee
Colocation 10A rack can be provided
Local Loop Based on bandwidth/region/distance
Data Center Interconnection (DCI) Based on bandwidth
* Fees vary depending on the customer's connection bandwidth. Please consult with a sales representative for details.
* Extra connection charges (ports and network traffic) are incurred in the cloud you are using.

For inquiries regarding CloudHub