
Information on the official opening of IXcloud® new management console


This is KINX, a company specializing in Internet infrastructure services.

We have officially opened a new management console, enabling a more easy and convenient use of IXcloud®
The new management console can be accessed through

Key enhancements to the new Admin console include:

* Easy resource creation
After checking the options that you need by providing default values, you can create a resource with a single click of the 'Create' button.

* Resource information that can be viewed at a glance
You can check the information of the selected resource right away without changing the screen.

* Integration of resource management and cost management
No need to go back and forth windows, take care of all your managing at once.
The window integration of project management, members, expenses, and cloud resource management page allows time consumption to time saving.

You may log in to our new admin console with the existing account you have.

For inquiries about using the console, please contact the help desk at, 02-526-0984.

We will always try to provide better service.
Thank you