TY Online
Colocation, Connectivity
TY Online is the operator of Tygem, the largest Go game site in the world. Through China Direct Connect service, it was possible to overcome the limitations of the network in China and boost satisfaction among local users.
#improvedcustomersatisfaction #improvedservicequality #서비스품질향상

Taking on New Challenges with Diversified IT Content and Cross Platforms
TY Online is an affiliate of the Tongyang Group that develops and services IT content. Its main business area includes operating the Go game site, Tygem, the web game portal, Game Hmm, and the board game site, Tygem Game.
Tygem, in particular, is the world’s No. 1 Go game site, and it is gradually expanding its market across China, Japan and Taiwan, thereby contributing to the promotion of the game of Go and the Go industry. The company expanded the Go market by allowing people to play the game online, and it has been continually expanding its services, broadcasting Go games live with commentary that can be watched by thousands of people at the same time and releasing a Go map.

Unstable Network Causing Dissatisfaction Among Chinese Users
TY Online was servicing Tygeum in China using a general line provided by a different operator. However, the network constantly suffered from poor quality, leading to dissatisfaction among Chinese users. Due to the nature of the game, players have to maintain connection with their opponents for a long time, but with general Internet lines, fatal problems such as server disconnection and connection delays continually occurred, and a solution was needed to mitigate these serious issues.
What did KINX do?

Proposed the Use of CN2, Enterprise-Dedicated line of China Telecom
In order to provide a solution to the problems such as server disconnection and connection delays caused by the use of a general line, KINX proposed China Direct Connect (CDC) service, which uses CN2, the next-generation Internet network of China Telecom, the largest mobile carrier in China. Instead of building the infrastructure directly in China, all that TY Online had to do was set up their equipment at KINX IDC in order to provide improved services to the people of China.
The process of addressing the issues that had caused dissatisfaction among Chinese users of Tygem proceeded much more quickly than expected, and as a result, TY Online was able to greatly improve satisfaction among Chinese users by boosting its service quality.

Resolving the Severe Issues of Server Disconnection and Connection Delays in China
By applying KINX’s China Direct Connect service, TY Online was able able to effectively address the issues of server disconnection and connection delays for the Chinese users of Tygem. Above all, the network quality in some of the regions in China, where service access had been poor, has been improved significantly, and it has become possible to provide more reliable services all across China. This in turn has prevented Chinese users from deregistering from the service and boosted their satisfaction with the service quality.