Bobae Dream

Service Colocation

Bobae Dream is an online community that managed to double the throughput and gained the capabilities to perform user analysis through ATM thanks to KINX’s CDN.

#fastcontentloading #improvedworkefficiency

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Korea’s Representative Online Car Dealer & Community

Bobae Dream is a representative online car dealer in Korea that provides price information and other details on domestic cars and import cars including used cars and brokers sales. It also serves as an online community for visitors who exchange various information on the site. It has established itself as a representative online car dealer and community site visited by more than 600,000 people a day.

Check out ‘Bobae Dream’



Needing Fast Content Service for Mobile Device Users

More than 10% of visitors to Bobae Dream access it via the mobile app. Bobae Dream, which has accumulated vast amounts of content such as videos and high-resolution photos, felt limitations in providing fast and reliable service, as the number of mobile app users among its visitors gradually rose. This was because with the existing infrastructure, they were unable to improve the content loading speed on mobile platforms. It was also necessary to consider another issue concerning mobile services in that the speed varied greatly depending on the user’s connection environment. Not only that, due to the nature of the community, there was a need for more efficient traffic management due to the large fluctuations in concurrent users depending on the current issues and events.

What did KINX do?


Improving the Speed with the Mobile-Exclusive CDN, Mobile Express

By analyzing Bobae Dream’s service environment and needs, we proposed Mobile Express, a mobile-exclusive CDN service.
Mobile Express is a service that can improve the connection speed for all mobile devices simply by installing a designated SDK file on the application. By improving the transmission method, rather than employing the content compression method, data can be retransmitted without any slowdowns even if there are packet losses or changes in the IP address. This allows users to quickly download the application and load the mobile content in any situation. Also, the dashboard can be used to manage the communication between the mobile devices and the CDN server and enhance the efficiency of mobile application operation and customer management.
We provided performance tests and reports for an objective comparison and review of the speed of the mobile application running on Mobile Express. Afterwards, we provided the SDK guide to Bobae Dream to apply the service as quickly as possible.

View Details about ‘Colocation – CDN’



Improving Application Speed and Reliability and Enabling User Pattern Analysis Through APM

As a result of applying Mobile Express, the throughput, which is the amount of data processed per hour, more than doubled, and more than 98% of visitors, who have lost sessions, were reconnected through the optimal route. This made fast content loading possible, irrespective of the accumulation of vast amounts of content and the dramatic increase in users. In addition, Bobae Dream users were able to use mobile applications more quickly and reliably even in a mobile environment where the access points are flexible.
Other benefits enjoyed by Bobae Dream included the fact that they were now able to precisely analyze user patterns based on application performance management (APM), which had not been provided by their previous CDN operator. They were then able to improve user satisfaction by analyzing the data on the devices used by mobile app users and residence time and using the results in their service operations and marketing.