Access & Security components of Instance

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Access & Security components of Instance

You need to add rules to a security group for Ping or SSH to instance before launching Instance.


    1. How to add Security group
    2. How to Create Key pair
    3. How to Import key pair
    4. How to Share public IP address to an instance


1. Add rules to the security group

This process allow SSH and  ICMP(Ping) access to an instance.
The rules in security group apply to the all instances in the project and they must be put in all projects except in the case of preventing access using SSH and ICMP.

- When you add rules please specify the protocol being used for destination port or source port.

  1. In the IXcloud console management, click button after Project >Compute > Access& Security.

  1. To allow SSH access, click button.

  1. In the ‘Add rule’ dialog box, do the following:


Rule: Select SSH from the list.

Remote: Select CIDR to specify  the allowed range of security.

CIDR: Type

    - IP address to CIDR will be blocked to accept the request of specific range of IP address.

  1. Click button. As shown below, a new rule has been added.
    From now on, Instance receives requests of all IP address to open SSH 22 port.

  1. To add an ICMP rule, click again.        

  1. In the ‘Add Rule’ dialog box, do the following:

Rule: Select ‘All ICMP’ from the list.

Direction: Select ‘ ingress’.

Remote: Select CIDR to specify the allowed range of security.

CIDR: Type

  1. Click button. As you can see, new rules has been added; then, Instance receive all ICMP packets.


2. Create a key pair

IXcloud utilizes a remote access with a key pair. To prevent any risks for managing instance, you need at least one key pair for each project.

If not, you might have some problems when you manage instances.

  1. On the Key Pair tab Click button after Project > Compute > Access & Security.

  1. In the ‘Create Key Pair’ dialog box, type the name of key pair and click .

  1. The key pair should download automatically. If not use the link below.


3. Import key pair

You need at least one key for each project

When you create a key pair by a tool, please import it from open stack. Key pair can be used for other instances in the project.        

  1. On the Key Pair tab after Project > Compute >Access & Security, click button.

  1. In the ‘Import Key Pair’ dialog box, Specify the key pair name and ② Copy a public key, then click button.

  1. This will be saved as a ‘.pem file’.

  1. To modify permission to user only, run the following command:

     $ chmod 0600 yourPrivateKey.pem

- In case of opening a pem file, using a dash board on Widow OS, it uses PuTTygen and be saved as ‘.ppk’ format.

  1. To make SSH key pair you already known, run a ssh-add command like this:

     $ ssh-add yourPrivateKey.pem

4. Allocate Floating IP to an instance

When an instance is created, static IP is allocated automatically to the network, to which instance is allocated.

IP address is permanently connected to an Instance until the instance is shut down.

However, you can connect to the instance using a floating IP address besides a static IP address.

You can change the connection of floating IP, regardless of instance’s state.

Note: One floating IP is offered free for each instance.

  1. On Floating IP tab after Project > Compute > Access & Security, click button.

  1. In the ‘Allocate Floating IP’ dialog box, select a floating IP from a given floating IP pool, then click button.

  1. On the Floating IP tab in the ‘Access & Security’ page, click for the floating IP to an instance.

  2. In the ‘Manage Floating IP Association’ dialog box, check the following option as shown below and Select the port to be associated, then click . button.

IP Address: It has been filled automatically. You can add a new IP address with button.

Port to be associated: You can choose the port.


  1.  Floating IP address,, has been allocated to the project.


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